Keramik: Croquis med Ler


Croquis med Ler Workshop - Skab Kunst med Ler og Levende Modeller


Folkehuset Absalon Sønder Boulevard 73, Copenhagen, DK

Kom og dyk ned i keramikkens verden og muligheder sammen med andre keramiknysgerrige. Du vil lære teknik, udforske materialer og få lavet sjove, smukke, funktionelle, kunstneriske objekter, som du kan tage med hjem, når de er brændt og glaseret. På dette forløb har vi god tid. Vi mødes 5 gange i 3 timer, og undervejs...

Richard II

Det Kongelige Teater - Skuespilhuset Sankt Annæ Plads 36, Copenhagen, DK

Oplev Olaf Johannessen som Richard II - en elendig leder omgivet af dårlige rådgivere Shakespeares Richard II magter ikke rollen som konge, men har i stedet travlt med at spille konge. Han er lunefuld, magtfuldkommen, selvoptaget, ødsel og køber sig til venskaber, mens pengene fosser ud af statskassen. Han får adelen på nakken, da han...

Let’s Play SpellBook

Bastard Café - Board Games & Coffee

Every Wednesday at 'Let's Play' we play games chosen and taught by our Game Gurus. This Wednesday we'll play SpellBook. Come alone or with friends. All are welcome. In SpellBook, you have a familiar and a grimoire and try to become the greatest wizard!


Sorte Firkant

OPEN STAGE is a meeting between different art forms OPEN STAGE is a place to try out your ideas and be inspired by others in an informal and supportive space OPEN STAGE will always start with a lineup of about 45-60 minutes, afterwards the stage will be open for everyone who wants to join OPEN...

Dinner at Henrik´s Atelier!


A life dedicated to the pursuit of artistic excellence and expressions. Get inspired by the man of many colors in a great and exciting dinner at Henrik's Atelier. Immerse yourself in his art, creative spark, and unique lifestyle, and share great conversations with him and with like-minded people. Program: travel through his paintings. Share music,...

Sėrėna x SUPERCHI+JORDAN Launch Event | Nov 29, 2023

Hamletsgade 6, st. 2, 2200 København

Join us Wednesday 29th of November 2023 for the launch of the latest creative collaboration between Sėrėna and SUPERCHI+JORDAN, featuring a conceptual piece as well as a capsule collection by Sėrėna. The event will take place from 18:00-21:00, with a live act occurring from 18:30-20:30. Address: @inter.pblc - Hamletsgade 6, st. 2, 2200 København Visual...

Open Studio & Film Screening: Nadja Ericsson (SE)

FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design

We invite you to join the Open Studio of Swedish artist and filmmaker Nadja Ericsson (b. 1989), who is currently a resident in FABRIKKEN’s FAIR program. The Open Studio is in #16 from 14-17h. Nadja Ericsson will be showing sketches and drawings for her new film entitled A New Kind of Rays as well as...

On the edge of Europe – Ida-Viru, Estonia (In English)

Cafe Globen Turesensgade 2b, Copenhagen, Denmark

Estonia visits Cafe Globen. It is only 3 hours and 9 minutes away from Copenhagen. Come hear the story about the region of Estonia that was the least popular one around 10 years ago and now has become a Top 3 holiday spot among Estonians. This lecture will be held in English as Hanna Villberg...

Academeia: From Radio Panini to Close w/Vanity Productions, Iron Sight, Keeptress, Amiraku

Baggen Baggen, Flæsketorvet 13A, København V, Denmark

Prolonging our celebrations another week and then only once again. With our brothers and sisters from Radio Panini taking over the music from 20:00 closing the Panini stand with a surprise presentation of a new, first time live performance of Vanity Productions & Iron Sight that will hit the shelves not long after. So get ready...