Yoga Drop-In Classes

Idrætsfabrikken Valdemarsgade 12, København, Denmark

🌈 Ever wanted to try YOGA, but didn’t know where to start? Did a bit of yoga, but maybe missing inspiration or a community? Or just looking for a new place to expand your yoga repertoire? 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️ Whatever your starting point is, we are here to guide you through an open level vinyasa class every...

Familieværksted: Skab tryk af byens kryb og kirkegårdsplanter

Dansk Arkitektur Center - DAC

Mens mørket nærmer sig, og bladene falder af byens træer, står kirkegårdene evigt grønne. Kig forbi DACs Educatorium, hvor vi leger med lys og mørke og laver plantetryk af kirkegårdsgrønt og spindelvæv. Tril også frøbomber, gem dem til foråret og spred grøn glæde i byen. Kom ind i efterårets familieværksted i Educatorium, hvor DACs værter...

Family workshop: Prints of creepy-crawlies and cemetery plants of the city

Dansk Arkitektur Center - DAC

As darkness approaches and the leaves fall from the city's trees, the cemeteries stand eternally green. Stop by DAC's Educatorium, where we play with light and dark and make plant prints from cemetery greenery and cobwebs. You can also role a plant seed bombs, save it for spring and spread green joy in the city....

Cuban Salsa Drop-In Classes

Idrætsfabrikken Valdemarsgade 12, København, Denmark

Join our famous drop-in classes every Sunday, from September 03 at Idrætsfabrikken! Dance, have fun, meet new awesome people and make a change!! 🥳 -------------- When: FREE Basics: 13.00 – 13.55 Beginner: 14.00 – 14.55 Improvers: 15.00 - 15.55 Intermediate: 16.00 - 16.55 Where: Idrætsfabrikken, Vesterbro How Much: Join the FREE Basics as many times...



Hver søndag er der to teaterforestillinger for børn og deres voksne. Forestillinger og målgruppe varierer søndag til søndag, men ser oftest sådan ud: 13.30 – 14.00: For de mindre børn, ca. 0-5 år 14.30 – 15.00: For de større børn, ca. 5 år og op Se programmet og køb billetter her:

Serious Sunday: A Feast for Odin

Bastard Café - Board Games & Coffee

A Feast for Odin is a saga in the form of a board game. You are reliving the cultural achievements, mercantile expeditions, and pillages of those tribes we know as Viking today — a term that was used quite differently towards the end of the first millennium. The game is one of Uwe Rosenberg's larger...

Next Level Bachata Bootcamp

Kildevæld Kulturcenter Bellmansgade 5C, København, Denmark

Bachata family! 😍��Are you ready to take your bachata social dancing to the next level? 📈 In this bootcamp, we will help you take your bachata beyond simply just leading and following. 💃🏻🕺🏻 RESERVE THE DATE: 22-10-2023 at Kildevæld Kulturcenter 🤩 We will teach you new solo styling, partner work combinations and leading/following techniques. At...

Copenhagen: World Capital of Architecture

Dansk Arkitektur Center - DAC

Copenhagen. A small capital with big potential. What is that all about? The “Copenhagen: The World Capital of Architecture” tour gives you insight into why this honor has been bestowed upon Copenhagen. Learn about the urban development of Copenhagen since the 19th century and explore how history and the Danish welfare society have influenced today’s...

Dilmana – Advanced Balkan folk dance class

Vesterbro Bibliotek og Kulturhus Lyrskovgade 2-4, Copenhagen, DK

Welcome to the 2023 Autumn dance season with Dilmana! Our advance class is OPEN! Join us 🤸‍♀️ Every Sunday we will make it a fun day with a lot of dancing, laughs and new friends. If you have never tried any Balkan and Bulgarian dances before, you're welcome to join our beginners class every Tuesday...

Bachata Drop-In Classes

Idrætsfabrikken Valdemarsgade 12, København, Denmark

🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 Get ready to groove and sway to the rhythm of Sensual Bachata with our fantastic drop-in classes presented by the CPH4Water association! 🕺💃 📅 Mark your calendars for every Sunday, starting from September 3, in the heart of Vestrbro! It's not just about dancing, it's about having fun, making new connections,...

Qi Gong Workshop

Folkehuset Absalon Sønder Boulevard 73, Copenhagen, DK

Til denne workshop skal vi fordybe os i Lohan Hands Shaolin Qi Gong, som er enkle øvelser og stræk, der veksler mellem langsomme, blide og kraftfulde, dynamiske bevægelser. Øvelserne kan bl.a. løsne spændinger i kroppen, styrke muskelgrupper, strække og massere bindevævet. De giver ofte større velvære, ro, balance og fleksibilitet. Shaolin Qi Gong er ikke...


Copenhagen Street Food - Reffen Refshalevej 167 A, Copenhagen, DK

HORROR DRIVE THRU 2023 Adrenalinjunkier og uhyggeentusiaster - 4.-29. oktober står den atter på en omgang Horror Drive Thru på Reffen! Med hele 40.000 besøgende vovehalse i oktober 2022 blev det slået fast, at Horror Drive Thru er helt i top, når det kommer til danskernes foretrukne horror-oplevelse. Det har vi tænkt os at fejre...