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West Coast Swing Bootcamps – Level 1 and 2

August 18, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - August 20, 2023 @ 3:30 pm CEST

💠 18-20 August 2023 West Coast Swing Bootcamps 💠 (For English school down)

NB. Followers can only sign up now with a leader! If you are a follower that would like to come write Connie Yndal Pedersen a PM 🙂 Then I will try to do some magic 😉

Vi inviterer hermed til WCS Weekend Bootcamp for både begyndere (level 1) og let-øvede (level 2)

West Coast Swing er en populær partnerdans, der har sine rødder i Lindy Hop. WCS kendt for sine bløde og elastiske bevægelser, god connection mellem partnere samt fokus på improvisation.

Et af de vigtigste kendetegn ved West Coast Swing er dets tilpasningsevne til forskellige musikstilarter, herunder moderne pop, blues, R&B og jazz.

💠 Program 18-20 August:

🔹 Fredag i Kildevæld Kulturcenter:
Kl. 19.00-20.00: Intro til West Coast Swing
Kl. 20.00-23.00 or 24.00: Party

🔹 Lørdag på Øster Farimagsgade Skole
Kl. 11.30-13.30 Bootcamp for begyndere (level 1) med Alex, Marcus and Connie (Kbh Team)
Kl. 13.30-14.30 Break and Free dance
Kl. 14.30-16.30 Bootcamp (level 1 og 2) Build better Connection med Johan og Kbh Team

💠 Fællesspisning
Kl. 17.00-18.30
Dag H cafe på Dag Hammarskölds Allé 38. Se menu her: www.dagh.dk/menu.aspx

🔹 Kl. 19.00-22.00 WCS på Blox, hvis vejret tillader det. (Det er overdækket, så det skal være meget galt hvis vi ikke kan være på Blox!)

🔹 Søndag på Øster Farimagsgade Skole
Kl. 11.30-13.30 Bootcamp (level 2) Rock and go med Johan & Tina
Kl. 13.30-14.30 Break and Free dance
Kl. 14.30-16.30 Bootcamp (level 1-2): Different variations on starting the dance and more… med Johan & Tina

💠 Priser inkl. fredag
200 kr. For 1 bootcamp
340 kr. For 2 bootcamps
450 kr. For 3 bootcamps
520 kr. For 4 bootcamps

Fredagsfest og intro: 70 kr. (50 kr. For festen alene)

💠 Tilmelding: https://forms.gle/s4aWz66Na3ofWPCLA 💠
I det øjeblik du har betalt og har udfyldt formen er du tilmeldt. Du modtager en mail kort før eventen med instrukser.

💠 Steder:

🔹 Fredag: Kildevæld Kulturcenter, Bellmansgade 3C, 2100 København Ø

🔹 Lørdag og Søndag om dagen: Øster Farimagsgade 40, 2100 København Ø

Når du ankommer til skolen kan du se en gammel bygning på din højre hånd og en nyere bygning på din venstre hånd, gå ind i den nyere bygning og gå op af et par trapper, lokalet ligger lige til venstre.

🔹 Blox lørdag aften: Søg efter Sats på Blox, vi danser ned mod vandet. (Christians Brygge 25, 1219 København)

💠 Flere detaljer om bootcamps

🔹 Lørdag:

🔹 Bootcamp 11.30-13.30 (level 1) for begyndere
Vi vil gennemgå ‘left and right side pass’ samt sugar push, men vi vil bruge mere tid på ‘Sugar Tuck’ og ‘Whip’ og hvis tiden er til det, dertil et par variationer. Undervises af Kbh Team: Alex, Marcus og Connie

🔹 Bootcamp 14.30-16.30 (level 1 and 2) Build better Connection
Connection er en af de vigtigste faktorer i WCS. Johan vil gå i detaljer omkring god connection. Kbh team vil deltage i undervisningen og hjælpe med at give personlig feedback. Det er vigtigt at vi ‘mærker’ en god connection, så det kræver lidt individuel opmærksomhed. Derudover vil vi også gennemgå hvordan man ruller gennem fødderne, som får dansen til at se så flydende ud.

🔹 Søndag bootcamps med Johan

🔹 Bootcamp 11.30-13.30 (level 2) Rock and go
Endnu et meget vigtigt grundtrin i WCS, som bruges meget når vi sammensætter variationer af trin, det åbner en helt ny verden for muligheder og Johan vil vise os nogle lækre varianter.

🔹 Bootcamp 14.30-16.30 (level 1 and 2)
Different variations on starting the dance
I denne her workshop vil vi gå nærmere ind i hvad man kan danse i open embrace og forskellige variationer af starter steps. Johan og Tina vil også give os nogle andre lækre moves, som I kan glæde jer til.

Vi underviser umiddelbart på engelsk! Men kan også gentage på dansk, hvis behovet er der. Individual feedback kan være på begge sprog!



💠 18-20 August 2023 West Coast Swing Bootcamp 💠

We hereby invite you to our WCS Weekend Bootcamp for both beginners (level 1) and improvers (level 2)

West Coast Swing is a popular partner dance that has its roots in the Lindy Hop. WCS known for its soft and elastic movements, good connection between partners and focus on improvisation.

One of the main characteristics of West Coast Swing is its adaptability to different styles of music, including modern pop, blues, R&B, and jazz.

💠 Program 18-20 August:

🔹 Friday in Kildevæld Culture Center: 19.00-20.00: Intro to West Coast Swing
At 20.00-23.00 or 24.00: Party

🔹 Saturday at Øster Farimagsgade School
11.30-13.30 Bootcamp for beginners (level 1) with Alex, Marcus and Connie
13.30-14.30 Break and Free dance
14.30-16.30 Bootcamp (level 1 and 2) Build better Connection with Johan

💠 Common dining – 17.00-18.30
Dag H cafe at Dag Hammarskölds Allé 38.
See menu here: www.dagh.dk/menu.aspx

🔹 19:00-22:00 WCS at Blox, weather permitting. (It’s covered, so it should be fine!)

🔹 Sunday at Øster Farimagsgade School
11.30-13.30 Bootcamp (level 2) Johan & Tina
13.30-14.30 Break and Free dance
14.30-16.30 Bootcamp (level 1-2) Johan & Tina

💠 Prices incl. Friday
DKK 200 for 1 bootcamp
DKK 340 for 2 bootcamps
DKK 450 for 3 bootcamps
DKK 520 for 4 bootcamps

Friday party and intro: DKK 70 (DKK 50 for the party alone)

💠 Registrations: https://forms.gle/s4aWz66Na3ofWPCLA 💠
You are officially enrolled as soon as you have filled out the form and paid. We will send you a mail a few days before with instructions!

💠 Locations:

🔹 Friday: Kildevæld Culture Center, Bellmansgade 3C, 2100 Copenhagen Ø

🔹 Saturday and Sunday during the day: Øster Farimagsgade 40, 2100 Copenhagen Ø
When you arrive at the school you can see an old building on your right and a newer building on your left, enter the newer building and go up a few stairs, the room is just to the left.

🔹 Blox Saturday night: Search for Bet on Blox, we dance down to the water.

💠 More details on bootcamps

Saturday Bootcamps

🔹 Bootcamp (Level 1) for beginners: We will go through left and right side pass as as sugar push (We expect that most of you have tried it in one of our intros during the summer!) so we would like to spend more time on the last two basic steps: the Sugar tuck and the whip. We will also give technical tools to make the steps work in a nice a smooth way.

🔹 Bootcamp (level 1 and 2): Learn how to connect. The connection is one of the most important things in WCS, in this Bootcamp Johan will go into details of the connection. Alex, Marcus and Connie will also be there to help, so that everybody will get in direct contact with a teacher. Connection needs to be felt in the body. We will also work with the technique behind roling on the feet.

🔹 Sunday Bootcamps

🔹 Bootcamp (Level 2) Rock and Go
Another important basic step is the Rock and Go, that is often used when making more interesting variations of the normal basic steps. It will open a new world of possibilities in your dance and Johan will teach us some cool variations.

🔹 Bootcamp (level 1 and 2) Different variations on starting the dance
In this workshop we will dive deeper into how to start the dance in open embrace and how to start the dance with different variations.
You gonna love to spice up your dance with these moves. Johan and Tina will also teach us some other really nice moves, that we can look forward to.


Link to Fall Courses Level 1 and 2
Beginners: https://fb.me/e/3HAxY7lj5
Improvers: https://fb.me/e/30vcx4qSo

Examples of West Coast Swing


August 18, 2023 @ 6:00 pm CEST
August 20, 2023 @ 3:30 pm CEST
Event Category:


Øster Farimagsgade 40, 2100 København Ø, Danmark

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